
技术编号:4173816 阅读:190 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Leak free pump

The invention relates to a non leakage pump comprises a pump body is vertically arranged, the pump body comprises a motor connected with the motor, the impeller and the seal cavity, wherein the motor arranged in the center position of the motor shaft, motor rotor and motor shaft is arranged in the outer stator rotor is arranged in the outside and set in the outer casing of the motor stator; the sealing cavity comprises upper and lower chambers, the upper chamber is arranged in the motor casing; the lower set at the lower part of the motor shell around is arranged on the impeller, the upper and lower chambers are connected; the lower side is provided with imports. The side outlet is arranged. No leakage of the pump by the upper and lower sealing cavity and neck cavity structure provided by the invention, directly from the shaft of the motor drives the impeller to rotate, thereby driving the liquid flow, simple structure and high efficiency; and the amount of gas filled in the sealing cavity, the fluid does not contact with the rotor of the motor, can transfer high (low) temperature, corrosive and ferromagnetic fluid.





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