
技术编号:4173645 阅读:257 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and apparatus for providing content based on peer-to-peer storage network

The invention discloses a method, a system and a device for providing content based on a peer-to-peer storage network, belonging to the field of communication. The method comprises the following steps: according to preset distribution strategy, distribution of media content to the peer storage nodes in peer-to-peer storage nodes of peer-to-peer storage network; edge broadcast node according to carrying media content end user service request identifier, to peer-to-peer storage network access to media content; edge broadcast media content node will get the offer to the end user. The system comprises an edge broadcast node and at least one peer storage node. The edge broadcast node comprises a receiving module, an acquisition module and a providing module. The distribution device comprises a policy module and a distribution module. The introduction of a peer-to-peer storage network, through a peer-to-peer storage network in at least one peer-to-peer storage node provides media content to the user terminal, thus greatly reduce the redundant storage of existing content in the network, reduce network management and maintenance costs, improve the reliability of the network.


一种基于对等存储网络提供内容的方法,其特征在于,包括: 根据预设的分发策略,将媒体内容分发到对等存储节点中,所述对等存储节点构成对等存储网络; 边缘播放节点根据终端用户的业务请求中携带的媒体内容的标识,从对等存储网络获取媒体内容 ; 所述边缘播放节点将获取的媒体内容提供给所述终端用户。



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