
技术编号:4173345 阅读:335 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for realizing soft keyboard character input by small screen touch screen

The invention discloses a method for small touch screen soft keyboard character input, the method comprises the following steps: starting the soft keyboard input character keys; need to click on the soft keyboard; input by clicking on the character, and the enlarged character of key press; judging whether to correct the input; if the judgement is \yes\ then, in the enlarged character keys and click on the button to character into automatic confirmation for correction; a character input correction. For the above procedure, the character is automatically recognized as an input correction; then it can include the following steps: wait for the next character input. If the above procedure is to determine whether the correction input is required and if the judgement is \no\, wait for a period of time and automatically confirm the input character. Using this method, it is convenient for users to enter correctly when using small screen touch screen.


一种小屏幕触摸屏实现软键盘字符输入的方法,其特征在于,该方法包括下列步骤: 启动软键盘; 点击软键盘上需要输入的字符按键; 输入被点击的字符,并放大周边的字符按键; 判断是否需要校正输入; 如果上述判断为“是” ,则在放大后的字符按键上点击需要校正成的字符按键; 自动确认为输入校正成的字符。



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