
技术编号:4173317 阅读:239 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for assembling main section of engine room and hoisting method of main section of engine room

The invention belongs to the field of construction of ship sections, in particular discloses a method for hoisting a cabin assembly method and cabin block, which comprises the following steps: (1) the assembly section strengthening treatment; (2) plane manufacturing base frame and marking: positioning support is positioned at the base frame; (3) segment assembly: according to the marking and location of the support plane base frame on the transverse bulkhead and deck sectional suspended segment positioning, installed after welding in order to other segments hanging on the positioning assembly; (4) sub assembly after strengthening; (5) to measure the total period after the completion of the cabin. The 13 section consists of 1 sections, with the speed increased significantly; to ensure the integrity of the segmented structure installation; in addition, various outfits and accessories can be installed in place, avoid crossover operation between the different types of work, the state labor uneven distribution.


一种机舱总段组装方法,其特征在于,所述机舱总段包括横隔舱分段、悬空甲板平台分段、中间甲板平台分段和上层甲板平台分段,所述中间甲板平台分段和上层甲板平台分段中间设有机舱口,其包括如下组装步骤: (1)各分段加强处理:在各分段铺板划线后, 在各分段胎架上预置四根槽钢沿分段四周呈框型与分段固定连接,构成分段预加强框架; (2)制造平面基础胎架并划线:在基础胎架上设置定位支撑; (3)分段的组装:根据平面基础胎架上的划线和定位支撑首先将横隔舱分段与悬空甲板平台分段进行 定位,装焊后依序将其它分段吊上定位装焊,并在上层甲板平台分段和中间甲板平台分段之间机舱口周围设置支撑立柱; (4)分段组装后加强:将装焊后的分段,用槽钢连接同一甲板平台分段上的预加强框架,形成一个整体的加强框架; (5)对完成后 的机舱总段进行测量。



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