
技术编号:4173305 阅读:213 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automatic test script generation and use method

The invention discloses a method for generating and using automated test scripts and methods implemented in three modules in the automated test script generation, including the production methods: call function; design the corresponding test cases; get the call function and test case; traversal until the top-level function contains out from the bottom function the traversal function group; extraction to write a free script and write a script in the entrance function; in the entrance opening part function insert a code for reading the case; in the entrance end of the function part insert a code for the output test results, finally produced the script and the script is run. With the help of the automated test scripts and use method does not influence the test results because of the operator's technical level, improve the reliability of regression test case execution and consistency, but also with the increase of test coverage.


一种自动化测试脚本产生的方法,该自动化测试脚本产生的方法在三大模块中实现的,其特征在于,该自动化测试脚本产生的方法步骤包括: (1)代码解析模块产生调用函数关系并输入给脚本产生模块; (2)用例设计模块设计出相应的测试用例并作为 输入给脚本产生模块; (3)脚本产生模块获取上述调用函数关系和测试用例; (4)从底层函数开始遍历直到将顶层函数包含出来; (5)提取当前所遍历到的函数组写入一个空的脚本并在该脚本里写入一个入口函数; (6)在入口函 数开口部分插入一段代码,用于读取用例; (7)在入口函数结尾部分插入一段代码,用于输出测试结果,最后产生脚本。



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