
技术编号:4173299 阅读:431 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Graphical attendance system

The invention discloses a graphical attendance system, the system includes an attendance system database, the database entry of employees to work and work time information and time and attendance standards late and leave early; a detection monitoring device, the device used to detect whether the staff temporarily leave the location information and send it to the data analysis module; data the analysis module, according to the time and attendance standards in the database of employees to work and work time information and late and leave early to make a comparison, the attendance state of employees, and according to the judgment whether temporary leave the location information for employees to leave the state; a graphics module, for each employee the station graphically displayed, and the attendance state of employees and whether to temporarily leave the state of transformation is shown in figure on the surface A work attendance chart is used to show the employee's work station, attendance status, and whether or not to leave temporarily.


一种图形化考勤系统,其特征在于,该系统包括: 一考勤系统数据库,该数据库中录入有员工上班和下班时间信息以及迟到、早退的时间考勤标准; 一数据分析模块,用以根据上述数据库中的员工上班和下班时间信息与迟到、早退的时间考勤标准作一个对 比,得出该员工的考勤状态; 一图形生成模块,用以将各员工的工位以图形化的形式显示出来,并将上述员工的考勤状态转化在图面上显示; 一工位考勤图,用以显示员工的工位以及考勤状态。



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