
技术编号:4173122 阅读:256 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

CATV integrated access system based on WiFi Technology

The invention discloses a CATV integrated access system based on WiFi technology, the system includes a head end and a user terminal equipment two, two kinds of devices connected by cable coaxial cable; the HE is connected with the passive optical communication system, CPE and STB, PC or switch connected family. HE and CPE in the system is realized by coaxial cable system cable operators (NC) to multipoint (CPE) data communication system, HE as the head end, deployed in the corridor or box, the realization of high-speed data communication between the CPE and CPE, and the coordination of various data communications, bandwidth management; whole the system adopts the WiFi signal frequency reduction, the packet is compatible with the WiFi standard; CPE as a user terminal equipment can be installed in the user's home in any one of the cable interface, as the terminal and HE data communication of the whole system of high-speed data communication and accept HE management.


基于WiFi技术的CATV综合接入系统,该系统包括头端和用户终端两种设备,两种设备通过有线电视同轴电缆连接;HE与无源光通信系统连接,CPE与机顶盒、PC机或家庭交换机相连;其特征在于, 所述系统中的头端其结构包括以太网接口、同轴电缆 接口、以太网PHY芯片、处理器、Flash闪存芯片、SDRAM内存和变频电路;处理器分别与以太网PHY芯片通过MII接口连接,并通过100M以太网接口与网线连接;与Flash闪存芯片通过存储总线连接;与SDRAM内存通过内存总线连接;与变频电路和射频接口通过射频接口连接,并通过同轴电缆接口与同轴电缆线相连接; 所述系统中的用户终端其结构包括以太网接口、同轴电缆接口、以太网交换机、处理器、Flash闪存芯片、SDRAM内存和变频电路;处理器分别与以太网交换芯片通过MII接 口连接,并通过100M以太网接口与网线连接;与Flash闪存芯片通过存储总线连接;与SDRAM内存通过内存总线连接;与变频电路和射频接口通过射频接口连接,并通过同轴电缆接口与同轴电缆线相连接。



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