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技术编号:4172807 阅读:245 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Integrated treatment method of lignocellulosic by-products in fuel ethanol

The present invention relates to an integrated treatment method for lignocellulosic byproducts in fuel ethanol. The main content of the invention is that: the development and utilization of lignocellulose refining by-products in CO2, lignin, pretreatment liquor, alcohol yeast, alcohol stillage, recovery in the production process of a small amount of byproduct fusel oil and aldehydeester. The treatment of waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue in lignocellulose refining fuel ethanol is integrated into a symbiotic model, which also includes energy integration and water integration. The method of the invention uses the by-product of each step of the production process, the maximum value of by-products; to develop the use of the by-products with environmental protection, low pollution, forming a complete sense of the green industry chain; from the view point of the effective matching of energy and water, reduce energy consumption, save water. Through the implementation of the scheme, the process of lignocellulose refining fuel ethanol can not only realize zero waste discharge, but also bring better economic benefits for the enterprise.


一种木质纤维素炼制燃料乙醇中的副产物的集成处理方法,其特征在于该方法包括预处理废液、乙醇发酵产生的CO↓[2]、木质素、酒精酵母、酒精废糟液、醛酯处理以及能量集成和水集成,具体如下:    a.预处理废液发酵生产单细胞蛋白:预处理废液中含有可溶于水的半纤维素及其水解产物木糖、阿拉伯糖,利用它们作碳源,以皮状丝菌851作发酵菌株,制备单细胞蛋白;b.CO↓[2]合成全降解塑料:乙醇发酵产生的CO↓[2]纯度高达90%,其纯度达到了生产可降解塑料的要求;将收集得到的CO↓[2]进行聚合得到CO↓[2]共聚物;    c.木质素生产液体地膜;    d.从发酵成熟醪中分离出酵母乳液,直接作为饲料酵母体;    e.回收精馏过程中的副产物杂醇油和醛酯;    f.酒精废糟液逐级开发利用:酒精废糟液经过过滤,滤渣用于生产饲料,滤液发酵制沼气发电,沼气发酵过程的副产物沼液用于灌溉、沼渣用作有机肥;    g.能量集成途径:酒精废糟液发酵制沼气,利用沼气再进行发电为系统供电;发电产生的蒸汽用于蒸汽爆破预处理或乙醇蒸馏和精馏;利用沼气发电所产热水加热进料;利用精馏塔塔顶的余热驱动吸收式制冷机对乙醇发酵液进行冷却,蒸馏阶段高温馏出液用于加热进料;    h.水集成途径:回用冷却水,如冷却水用于清洗秸秆、拌料或者水洗用水;收集清洗秸秆水经简单过滤处理回用于清洗秸秆,预处理废液生产单细胞蛋白过程的废水,经膜生物深度处理后回用于锅炉用水或者拌料用水;沼气发电的余热(热水)用作拌料;沼气发酵后的沼液用于农业灌溉;蒸馏过程排放的高温馏出液用于加热进料。...



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