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技术编号:4172714 阅读:373 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Multilevel rate control method for multiview video coding

The invention discloses a multistage rate control method of a multi view video encoding, firstly, according to the correlation function of reasonable bit allocation in inter view, then according to the hierarchical B image bit allocation strategy frame layer bit allocation, according to the Laplasse rate distortion model to realize macroblock layer rate control, which comprises the steps of: (1) the establishment of multi view and encoding framework; (2) GGOP layer bit allocation and rate control; (3) GOP layer bit allocation and rate control; (4) Frame layer bit allocation and rate control; (5) Macroblock layer bit allocation and rate control, when it is judged that the current GGOP is the last a GGOP, the rate control process end. This method uses the Laplasse rate distortion model, low complexity, small amount of calculation, the error rate control within 1%, and the decoded image PSNR gain an average of about 0.1dB; the reasonable bit allocation in view, the balance of the view image encoding is good, practical.





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