
技术编号:4172023 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Scene switching method

The embodiment of the invention discloses a scene switching method, which comprises the following steps: stop playing the current scene, the last frame to obtain the current scene; ready to play the next scene, the first frame for the next scene; the first frame last frame of the current scene and the next scene sweeping change operation; playing the wipe operation result. After obtaining the last frame of the current scene, the invention also comprises: saving the last frame picture of the current scene. After obtaining the first frame of the next scene, the first screen picture of the next scene is saved. After the result of the play scan conversion operation, the invention also comprises the following steps: playing the next scene. The technical proposal of the embodiment of the invention adopts the scanning and switching operation of the last frame of the current scene and the first frame of the next scene, and achieves the effect of smooth switching between the plurality of scenes.


一种场景切换方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤: 停止播放当前场景,获取所述当前场景的最后一帧画面; 准备播放下一场景,获取所述下一场景的第一帧画面; 进行所述当前场景的最后帧画面和所述下一场景的最后一帧画面的扫换运算。   播放所述扫换运算的结果。



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