
技术编号:4171985 阅读:313 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Transmission device for bus air conditioner automobile compressor

A bus with air conditioner compressor driving device, comprising generator, compressor, engine driving wheel, compressor bracket, a core shaft, a compression spring, generator, compressor compressor is arranged in the bracket, the supporting seat of the compressor bracket can swing around the core shaft of the flexible mounting structure, excluding transmission mechanism and a transition wheel, engine driving wheel direct drive compressor, rubber damping device is composed of a set of transition and damping rubber sleeve and the supporting seat is arranged in the two ends of a core shaft; between the compression spring and the compressor bracket is provided with damping rubber parts. The positive effects of the invention are: simplified compressor bracket, light weight, high transmission efficiency, prolong the service life of the compressor working parts, the manufacturing cost is reduced, the more important is: to solve the vibration of bus air conditioning compressor operation of passenger car impact, can significantly improve the ride comfort of the bus.





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