
技术编号:4171968 阅读:215 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Simple cylindrical drug distributor

The invention relates to a simple columnar medicine distributor, comprising a tank and a tank shaft, medicine lattice, lattice mouth and outer ring sleeve, the window, which is characterized in that the tank is cylindrical, and consists of 3 layers of drug cases, each layer of medicine cell has eight outward lattice mouth, middle wear tank shaft, each the medicine layer is sheathed with the outer sleeve lattice, each with a mouth of the same size and lattice window outer sleeve. Each layer has a reserved cell opening. The tank body of the invention has a total of 24 grid mouths, and each layer has a reserved lattice except that the medicine granules are taken 21 times a week and packed separately. An outer ring sleeve is arranged outside each layer of the medicine box, and each outer ring is provided with a window with the same size as the grid mouth, each outer ring sleeve can be rotated independently, and the outer snare window is aligned with the reserved lattice when the medicine is not taken. When the medicine is taken, the outer ring sleeve is selected and turned, so that the outer trap window is aligned with the lattice mouth of the medicine lattice, and the medicine granule in the mouth opening can be poured out to be convenient for taking. The invention is not only accurate in dispensing grain, but also convenient and safe in taking medicine.





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