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技术编号:4171540 阅读:303 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Feeding resistance reducing device for methane tank

Provide a digester feed drag reduction device is composed of a feeding tube (1), and a liquid return tube feeding tube (2), the stitching and a feeding tube (1) and a liquid return pipe (2) formed at the joint liquid return (3); feed the tube (1) and a liquid return pipe (2) after splicing is connected with the lower end of biogas (4), into the upper outlet (5). When put into biogas fermentation materials, biogas slurry from the liquid return liquid pipe joints into the feeding tube, than the single biogas inlet pipe is greatly reduced by feeding resistance, especially not affected by the pressure in the pool, a lot of artificial can easily into the light of plant density ratio of biogas slurry biogas fermentation materials such as straw, weeds and excrements etc., has the advantages of simple structure, economical and practical, labor-saving and convenient to labor, the feeding effect, easy to use.





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