
技术编号:4170925 阅读:279 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Near infrared spectrum on-line detecting method for Chinese medicine Six Ingredient Rehmannia Pill production process

Near infrared online monitoring method of the invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine Six Ingredient Rehmannia Pill production process, which comprises the following steps: (1) the selection of calibration samples; (2) the nature of the sample set correction determination; (3) the calibration samples of near infrared absorption spectrometry; (4) Xiao Zhengmo (set up; 5) to determine the unknown sample properties: unknown samples near infrared absorption spectra value into step (4) to establish the calibration model, the calculation model, the content of components in unknown samples. The method has the advantages of simple and accurate method and good reproducibility, and is used for the on-line quality control of the Six Ingredient Rehmannia Pill, and can solve the problems of long time consuming and low efficiency of traditional off-line detection in the production process.


一种中药六味地黄丸生产过程的近红外光谱在线检测方法,其特征在于,其具体步骤为:    (1)校正集样本的选择    选取六味地黄丸生产过程中需要控制的关键工艺点,以此工艺点样品中指标成分的含量值组成样本校正集;    (2)校正集样本性质的测定    用高效液相色谱测定六味地黄丸关键工艺点样品中的指标成分,以此指标成分的含量值作为建模时的校正集样本;    (3)校正集样本的近红外吸收光谱测定    在波长为10000~4000cm↑[-1]范围内,采用近红外光谱仪测定六味地黄丸各工艺点样品的吸收光谱值;    (4)校正模型建立    采用卷积平滑、卷积求导、多元散射校正、标准正态变量变换方法对所得到的近红外光谱进行预处理,以最佳的回归算法,对以步骤(2)得到的含量数据与步骤(3)得到的近红外光谱吸收值进行关联,建立校正模型;    (5)未知样本性质的测定    将未知样本的近红外吸收光谱值导入至步骤(4)建立的校正模型中,经模型计算后,得到未知样本中指标成分的含量。



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