The invention relates to a noise reduction sleeve for an impact drill, comprising an inner sleeve. The coat is arranged on the upper end of the rubber ring between the sleeve and the inner sleeve is connected with the sliding pin, between the outer and inner sleeve on top in the end connected by the spring, the inner wall of the casing stuck expansion muffler two to three layers by an annular baffle with a hole. Because the double layer light material is used, and the inner wall is glued with two to three layers of annular partition boards, the sound is absorbed effectively in the cavity formed by each partition board, and the noise reduction effect is better. Compared with the traditional impact drilling, the utility model greatly reduces the dust floating amount in the air, reduces the pollution to the environment, and simultaneously reduces the influence of the floating dust to the health of the construction personnel. The utility model can be matched with various impact drills and electric drills. After installing the noise reduction sleeve, the possibility of flying out of the drill bit is greatly reduced, and the safety of the work is enhanced.
本专利技术涉及一种建筑施工用的冲击钻,尤其是一种冲击钻降噪 装置。
在现代社会生活中,各种工业建筑的施工现场,以及人们曰常 生活中装修房屋等场所都用到了冲击钻,冲击钻的广泛使用给人们的 生活带来了极大的便利,减少了人们的劳动量。但是,在带来便利的 同时,冲击钻噪声大,影响人们生活的缺点也日益明显。噪声属于物理性污染的范畴,影响人的休息,降低劳动效率;干扰人们的语言交 谈和通讯联络。如果人们长期处于这种状态,就会损伤听觉系统,造 成轻度耳鸣,重则影响语言听力致使听觉困难;此外,噪声对人体其 他系统也有影响,会造成头痛、失眠、记忆力减退,甚至出现血压不 稳定心律不齐等;噪声污染还具有长期的遗留性,能引起人们的慢性 疾病以及神经等系统的损害。目前市场上用于降低或消除冲击钻噪声 的产品不多见,经调査,存在技术专利电钻集尘隔音罩,但经过 试验后,发现其实施比较困难。
本专利技术是要提供一个冲击钻降噪套筒,安装在冲击钻钻头尾部, 可伸縮,与冲击钻工作平面紧密接触,可有效的降底冲击钻的噪声。为实现上述目的,本专利技术的技术方案是 一种冲击钻降噪套筒, 包括内,外套,其特点是外套上端设有橡胶圈,外套与内套之间通 过滑销连接,外套内顶部与内套上端面之间通过弹簧连接,外套内壁 粘装二至三层由环形带孔隔板组成的膨胀性消声器。内套外径等于外套内径,并与冲击钻机身直接固定。内套的内 径等于冲击钻固定钻头的外围部分的外径。 本专利技术具有如下特点(1) 在降噪方面,由于所设计的降噪套筒采用双层的轻薄材料, 并在内壁粘装二至三层环形隔板,使声音在每个隔板所形成 ...