
技术编号:4170496 阅读:265 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Digital blood pressure meter and method

The invention provides a digital blood pressure meter, the blood pressure meter is equipped with manual hand valve for inflatable cuff pressure and manual pump for decompression, the operator can at any time by measuring blood pressure during operation manual and manual hand pump valve to change to a different stage of blood pressure measurement; by programmed microprocessor detection the blood pressure measurement in the process of the event to determine the different stages of blood pressure, blood pressure measurement, which adopts different methods to display the value of pressure in the digital display on the display so that the pressure value update delay is longer, the predictability and accuracy enough to different stages, to the operator is both easy to read the pressure the value can be obtained in different stages for sufficiently accurate pressure readings; the blood pressure in the vacuum pressure between the The method of decreasing distance is convenient for the operator to visually judge the decompression rate of the pneumatic sleeve.





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