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技术编号:4170474 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for extracting C Masi Bing high-efficiency degrading bacteria

Including the extraction method, the invention relates to a high efficient degradation bacteria C Masi Bing: (1) activated sludge from the city sewage treatment plant two sedimentation tank according to access 5wt% inoculated in inorganic salt medium, the pressure gradient domestication method domestication of 2 months; (2) the domestication of 2 months after the sample the static 30min, take the upper water 1ml gradient dilution, then each dilution were taken 1ml broth medium enriched culture inoculated to ensure a solid, pure single strains, and then inoculated into the slant medium, to 4 DEG C can be saved. The method of extracting C Masi Bing degrading bacteria from activated sludge two sink the pond city sewage treatment plant, which is easy to get and source separation and purification method is simple, low cost, environmentally friendly; extraction to the degradation of C Masi Bing rate is more than 75%, has a good application prospect.


一种卡马西平高效降解菌的提取方法,包括:  (1)定向驯化培养  取活性污泥按5wt%的接入量接种于无机盐培养基中,以梯度压力式驯化法驯化2个月;  (2)菌株的富集分离和纯化  将驯化2个月后的样品静置30min,取上层水样1mL作梯度稀释,然后每种稀释浓度分别取1mL菌液于接种到固体培养基进行富集培养,确保长出纯的单一菌株,再接种到斜面培养基,于4℃下保存,即可。



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