
技术编号:4170463 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Control circuit for controlling studio live broadcast delay system

The invention discloses a control circuit for controlling studio delay system, which comprises a main control unit, expansion unit, key indicator unit, the main control unit is respectively connected with the expansion unit, key indicator unit, the expansion unit is connected with a plurality of delay system. The control circuit also includes a firmware update unit. The control circuit can also start multiple time delay system, time delay control system through the corresponding broadcast system, so as to ensure the picture switching in time when the accident occurred, to avoid abnormal picture or sound broadcast, reduce the degree of tension when the director staff live broadcast, reduce accidents. The control circuit of the invention is suitable for a live broadcast system with a main delay system and a three standby delay system, a main delay system, a standby delay system or a single delay time system.


一种用于控制演播室直播延时系统的控制电路,其特征在于: 它包括主控单元、扩展单元、按键指示灯单元,该主控单元分别与扩展单元、按键指示灯单元相连,该扩展单元与多个延时系统相连。



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