The invention provides a full automatic bottle cap with electromagnetic membrane machine, including reservoir cap hopper, a feeding mechanism, slip separation mechanism, reservoir cap is provided with a hopper above the feeding mechanism, the feeding machine is connected with the slide material sorting mechanism, the sliding material sorting system is provided with a tick discharge port and discharging device, a sensor in the bottle the feeding cover mechanism, feeding cover mechanism is arranged below the baffle plate, the laminated seat cover feeding mechanism, positioning mechanism arranged above the film, a film assembly positioning mechanism is arranged above the electromagnetic membrane in the film frame, is arranged below a film frame is provided with a film feeding plate through a feeding mechanism and a sliding material sorting mechanism the bottle arranging, conveyed by belt cap, cap feeding mechanism are arranged on the cap, push positioning mechanism for positioning bottle, film feeding board push electromagnetic membrane components absorbing film, film lamination, the whole process automation The utility model can ensure that the electromagnetic film and the bottle cap are in good connection, and the center of the electromagnetic film is not obviously eccentric with the center of the bottle cap, so as to rapidly increase the effect of adding the electromagnetic film to the bottle cap.
目前,对于在瓶盖内加入电磁膜的过程大多是由人工手动完成,这样,生产现场需 要大量劳动力,不但造成生产成本高,而且直接影响了瓶盖的生产效率。
为了解决瓶盖加工的生产效率低下问题,本专利技术提供一种全自动化瓶盖加电磁膜 机。此瓶盖加电磁膜机能自动将电磁膜加入到瓶盖内,不但提高瓶盖的生产效率,而且能保 证电磁膜与瓶盖完好接合,使电磁膜的中心与瓶盖的中心无明显偏心,提高了瓶盖的质量。 本专利技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是该设备通过上料机构及滑料分选机 构对瓶盖进行有序整理成排,由皮带输送瓶盖,送盖机构对瓶盖进行排列、推送,送膜板送 进电磁膜,压膜组件进行吸膜、压膜,全过程采用自动化控制,能准确地将电磁膜压入瓶盖 中,达到快速将电磁膜加入到瓶盖内的效果。 首先,大量的瓶盖储放在储盖料仓中,设备启动后,上料机构对储盖料仓中的瓶盖 进行整理,整理后的瓶盖有序地紧贴在上料机构上,上料机构将瓶盖送到滑料分选机构入 口处并对瓶盖进行排挤推送,瓶盖经滑料分选机构上的滑料通道滑落到第一皮带上。在滑 料分选机构中设有剔料口及排料装置剔料口是根据瓶盖自身特点进行设计的,它能将滑 料通道中反向的瓶盖进行剔除而滑回储盖料仓中,有效地避免了后面因反向的瓶盖而压膜 不当出现的故障;排料装置能在瓶盖挤满滑料通道的情况下,将多余的瓶盖排出而滑回储 盖料仓中,有效地避免了瓶盖大量堆积滑料通道而出现的故障。 落到第一皮带上的瓶盖,由第一皮带输送到送盖机构的下面。在瓶盖进入送盖机 构处设有感应器,当瓶盖 ...