
技术编号:4160646 阅读:296 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Belt conveyer

A belt conveyor, which comprises a drive roller; turnabout drum; conveyor belt; driving device and tensioning device for tensioning device comprises a movable bracket, a movable bracket is arranged on the fixed frame back and sides of the installation; the first and second in the fixed frame and the movable bracket is located on both sides of the pulley to change the first and second; after the end installed on the movable bracket on the movable pulley; the first and second mounted on the fixed base on the fixed pulley; and first and second rope, the first rope end fixed to a fixed frame and second end passes the first movable pulley, the pulley and the pulley and the first to change the counterweight is second rope end fixed to a fixed frame and a second end of second passes, second fixed pulley and the movable pulley second and connected to the pulley counterweight. The tension device of the belt conveyor of the invention has large tension range, stability, small occupation space, simple structure, reliability, convenient maintenance, weight reduction of weights, and small rope force.


一种带式输送机,其特征在于,包括: 驱动滚筒; 改向滚筒; 绕在驱动滚筒和改向滚筒上的输送带; 驱动装置,所述驱动装置驱动驱动滚筒旋转;及 张紧装置,所述张紧装置用于张紧输送带且包括, 可移动支架,所述可 移动支架上适于安装带式输送机的改向滚筒; 固定基架,所述固定基架固定地设置在可移动支架两侧和后面; 第一和第二改向滑轮,所述第一和第二改向滑轮轴线水平地安装在固定基架上并分别位于所述可移动支架两侧; 第一和第二动滑轮,所述 第一和第二动滑轮分别轴线垂直地安装在可移动支架的后端面上; 第一和第二定滑轮,所述第一和第二定滑轮分别轴线垂直地安装在所述固定基架上并位于可移动支架后面;和 第一和第二绳索,所述第一绳索的第一端连接到到所述固定基架上而第二端依次 绕过第一动滑轮、第一定滑轮和第一改向滑轮而与配重相连,所述第二绳索的第一端固定到所述固定基架上而第二端依次绕过第二动滑轮、第二定滑轮和第二改向滑轮而与配重相连。



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