
技术编号:4160590 阅读:202 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Data drive integrated circuit for liquid crystal display device

The invention provides a liquid crystal display device data driving integrated circuit, including: serial / parallel conversion unit, a shift register and latches, digital to analog converter, switching device and an output buffer; the switching device is arranged in each digital to analog converter and the corresponding output buffer between the output of the switch device for controlling the output buffer by the Load signal input terminal and the digital to analog converter is connected, or connected with the precharge level; and, when the Load signal is high level, the input end of the output buffer and a precharge voltage is connected, when the Load signal is low, the output of the digital input and output buffer / analog converter connected. The data driving integrated circuit of the present invention can effectively reduce the charging time of the pixel capacitance of the driving circuit to the pixel.


一种液晶显示装置的数据驱动集成电路,包括串行/并行转换单元、移位寄存器、锁存器、数字/模拟转换器以及输出缓冲器;其特征在于,该数据驱动集成电路还包括切换装置, 所述切换装置位于每个数字/模拟转换器与对应的输出缓冲器之间,所述切换装置通 过Load信号控制输出缓冲器的输入端与数字/模拟转换器的输出端相连、或者与预充电电平相连;而且, 当Load信号为高电平时,输出缓冲器的输入端与预充电电压相连,当Load信号为低电平时,输出缓冲器的输入端与数字/模拟转换器的输出端相连 。



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