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技术编号:3038637 阅读:272 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Dulcimer body frame

The utility model relates to a dulcimer, particularly a dulcimer body frame, including trapezoidal frame, fixed beam, beam and beam from the consonants, the intermediate fixed beam Chengqi on the left side of the treble is arranged with the two ends of the ladder frame, the bottom edge of the fixed beam on the right side of the tonic, bass set up with the two ends of the middle fixed beam and ladder frame fixed from the hypotenuse of the tonic beam, beam in the bass and consonant with a 45 degree angle and the layout of the bass vocalist beam, the lower end surface and the upper surface of the bass vocalist beam bonding. Compared with the traditional framework of dulcimer body, bass and treble tonic tonic beam beams are arranged vertically, share the body frame on the bottom edge of the part of the pressure, so the body frame stress is uniform, not easy to deformation; constant treble sound beam structure, preserves the timbre characteristics of traditional dulcimer treble. While the bass additional consonant beam plays a role of media transmission, tonic beam, the bass sounds, which can improve the overall sound.





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