A can overcome the tension of the strings and the climate temperature effect caused no dulcimer music. In the structure of the piano body, the front side plate and the rear side plate are composed of a wood plate and an arched metal plate with holes. The bottom of the wooden chord chord of the string nail is reinforced by a U type metal plate, and is connected with the front and the back plates to form a trapezoid arch surface. In the front and rear plates with the juxtaposition of two pieces from U type of sheet metal and wood composed of arches with holes Yinliang, sound beam ends and string nail and wood wood pegs are connected by sub beam and panel connected resonance box body, the structure of the sound beam in addition to bear the pressure of Qin code, transfer the strings vibration, and also has the function of supporting the tension of the strings, the sound beam transmission string vibration more directly, causing the body resonance effect is very obvious, can improve the physical performance of the dulcimer.
中国扬琴是一种优秀的中国民族乐器,它不仅有着鲜明的民族性,同时还具有广泛的世界性,属于扬琴家族的乐器几乎在世界各国都可以找到。中国扬琴在不同国家、地区和民族中开成了不同的特色,其流传之广,演奏手法之丰富,音乐风格之多样,可以各任何世界性的民族乐器相媲美。(引自安微文艺出版社发行的李玲玲编著<扬琴演奏基础教程>)在我国民族乐器中,扬琴的弦线最多,就“G401扬琴”而言,共有135根弦,57个音(含同音)。由于扬琴的制作在技术上尚未完全过关,尽管用料是高等木材,但因受气候、运输、演奏中的振动、琴弦的质量和张力等诸方面影响,常造成琴音不准的现象。北京乐器研究所高级工程师张天铎1978年3月为了确切掌握“401”扬琴琴弦总张力的数据,进行了实际测试,“401”扬琴总张力可达近3000公斤。一、因气候变化,空气中的温度反差,对音准影响很大。扬琴整个琴体都用木材制成,木材随空气中的湿度影响十分明显,湿度大木材则澎涨,使琴音增高,反之则使琴音降低。尤其是到演出场地,只能现场调音才能使用。二、因运输和经常演奏,琴弦的振动会造成琴弦的松动,使琴音不准中国扬琴品牌繁多,有传统扬琴(也称蝴蝶琴、扇面琴、打琴等),律吕式大扬琴、快速转调小扬琴、401型扬琴、501型扬琴、402型扬琴、广州十二平均律扬琴、上海八一型平均律扬琴、电扬琴、多功能扬琴、高音扬琴、低音扬琴、多排码扬琴、蝶式扬琴等十多个品牌。这说明中国扬琴无论在造型、结构、音位排列、工艺等诸方面都尚未定型。但在这十多个品牌中,相对而言,以4 ...