
技术编号:3034430 阅读:165 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

LCD driver control circuit

The utility model discloses a driving control circuit of a liquid crystal display, which aims to solve the technical problem of enhancing the ability of the horizontal and vertical scale processing images, and optimizing the display quality of the image. The utility model adopts the following technical scheme: the driving control circuit of a liquid crystal display control circuit with the control circuit, the output signal to a liquid crystal display and a loudspeaker, wherein the control circuit is the microprocessor, the microprocessor outputs low voltage difference signal through a low voltage differential output interface to the liquid crystal display. Compared with the prior art, the utility model, the control circuit uses a microprocessor, the microprocessor output low dropout signal through low voltage differential output interface to a liquid crystal display control circuit, enhance the horizontal and vertical zoom image processing ability, the quality of image display optimization, so as to improve the image processing ability of the drive control circuit of liquid crystal display, liquid crystal display can drive various horizontal and vertical ratio, support the resolution of liquid crystal display 1900 x 1200.





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