Non contact signal coupling device comprises a rotating arc circuit board (1), a circuit board (6), an insulating layer (9), rotary capacitor polar ring (10), (11), the static electrode on the rotary shaft (2) is fixed on the rotating capacitor polar ring (10), the axis of rotation (2) and rotary capacitor polar ring (10) is arranged between the insulating layer (9), rotary capacitor polar ring (10) and an insulating layer (9) fixed, stationary electrode (11) and the shell (7) fixed, stationary electrode (11) and a circuit board (6) between the second signal line (5) connection, rotating circuit board (1) is fixed on the rotating shaft (2) on the circuit board (1), rotating and rotating capacitance polar ring (10) between the first signal line (4) connected to achieve high-speed rotation of the pulse signal Problem. The utility model has the advantages of small volume, small material consumption, convenient installation, stable and reliable signal, and is suitable for the bad situation of vibration and other working conditions. It has changed the traditional method of mutual transmission of wireless transmission or inductance coil for a long time.
本技术提供一种弧形非接触信号耦合装置,是一种将静止或者旋转物 体上的信号,非接触无线传送并接受的装置。是一种利用电容信号耦合原理, 通过非接触的内电极和外电极,传递电信号的装置。
在设备运行过程中,经常需要检测高速旋转物体的参数,并传输到信号处 理器进行处理。如利用传感器,测量高速旋转轴上所受到的扭矩、力,轴上的 温度及在里的作用下产生的应变等。将这些参数信号传递给固定电路板进行处 理。通常,从高速旋转的物体上采集参数的办法是,在于物体一同旋转的旋转 电路板上安装无线电模块发射器,在非旋转的固定线路板安装无线电接收器。 无线电发送器将脉冲电信号发送给接收器。另外一种传递方式是,利用电感线 圈向外耦合。这两种方法解决了旋转电路板上电信号传递给静止电路板的难题。 但是,当多路信号同时传送时,容易受到干扰,有传动信号不稳定的缺点。
本技术的目的在于提供一种弧形非接触信号耦合装置,弧形耦合的非 接触式信号无线传输器,利用电容传递脉冲信号的原理,解决高速旋转中的电 信号无线传递问题。克服无线电传输和电感线圈传输,容易发生相互干扰、传 递信号不稳定的缺点。并且结构体积小,减少耗材,安装方便,可靠性高。本技术是这样来实现的包括旋转电路板、旋转轴、轴承、第一信号 线、第二信号线、静止电路板、外壳、地线、绝缘层、旋转电容极环、静止电 极,旋转轴与外壳之间设有轴承,在旋转轴上固定有旋转电容极环,旋转轴与 旋转电容极环之间设有绝缘层,旋转电容极环与绝缘层固定,静止电极与外壳 固定,静止电极与静止电路板之间通过第二信号线连接,旋转电路板固定在旋 转轴上, ...