The utility model relates to a wireless remote controller, which comprises a wireless remote control transmitter and wireless remote control receiver, wherein the wireless remote control transmitter comprises a circuit key circuit, power supply circuit, transmitting encoding circuit and high frequency, the wireless remote control receiver comprises a power supply circuit, a high-frequency receiving circuit, microcontroller circuit, control circuit and external signal components, the the MCU circuit comprises a microcontroller chip recording interface and no memory chip, the memory interface decoding through the burn burn control software and the wireless remote control transmitter in the address code. The decoding control software and the address code of the wireless remote control transmitter are directly burned into the chip chip of the receiver through the burning interface, and the memory component is omitted. That is, only need to use a single chip without memory, not only reduces the cost of the material, but also omit the traditional learning code cumbersome operation of the learning process, to eliminate the lost code fault.
本技术涉及无线遥控器。技术背景目前无线遥控装置应用范围很广,最典型的应用领域有汽车/摩托车/电动 车的防盗报警器和某些场所的遥控开关等。其涉及的生产技术主要有如下两 种一、 普通编解码装置(也叫固定码技术)如图l、图2、图3所示,其无线遥控发射器采用普通的编码IC,如型 号为LX2260、 LX2262等之类的编码IC。接收主机则采用普通解码IC加单 片机控制,如图2所示;或者单独采用单片机实现解码加控制功能,如图3 所示。其价格比较低廉。但不足之处在于①编码过程在生产环节上非常烦 琐,需要人工对无线遥控发射器的地址码逐个进行编码,还得逐一作记录, 尽量避免生产上的重码。这不仅很费工时,而且容易出错;②接收主机如果 纯粹采用单片机实现解码加控制功能的话,生产也非常麻烦,在单片机还没 有焊到应用板之前,需要先把解码软件烧录到单片机内,然后再把单片机焊 到应用板上去。最后,还需要利用专用的设备把单片机里的编码读出来,再 根据该编码去编遥控发射器的地址码,这无形中增加了劳动力,又浪费时间, 拉长生产周期。另外,固定码的重码率比较高,安全性相对来说比较低。二、 百万组编码装置(也称学习码技术)无线遥控发射器采用百万组预烧码IC,如型号LX2240、 LX1527、 LX527 等之类编码IC。百万组预烧码的应用,无论是从遥控发射器还是接收主机方 面来说,在生产上都省略了普通编解码技术烦琐的编码环节,同时它的重码率也得到了提高。单纯从遥控发射器来说,确实比普通编解码技术有了很大 的进步。但从接收器来讲,在生产上它需要增加一个"学习"的流程(也叫"对码"),即在 ...