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技术编号:2978199 阅读:228 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

System and method for reliable control of a locomotive with moving along a road segment

The invention relates to a system with a locomotive moving along a road segment, in particular a track system, and a method for reliably controlling a locomotive of the system. In the section of fixed sign especially transmitting device forms of road side (1), in order to reliably control the locomotive will depend on the concept of signal (SB) data set by cable (T) transmitted to the locomotive, telegraph (T) including the effective data and code for the protection of accessories, transmission device (1) in the locomotive by telegraph transmission corresponding to the locomotive, locomotive with the protection code integrity check transmission cable accessories and receives the correct code for error code telegram, telegraph (T) trigger reaction on security technology. In order to realize the reliable control of the locomotive at low cost, sending device telegram from at least two independent cable segments (TT1, TT2), the telegraph section for each signal concept (SB) held in advance in the transmitting device.





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