A drive control system and method utilizing a wireless coupling of a key and a drive to achieve efficient driving of a device such as a lock or sensor. In one example, in order to reliably control the closure element (not shown) operation such as the opening of the container, usually contains system (10) is shown in the key and a driver, which contains a usually in this case (12) lock driver shown. In this embodiment, the key (10) includes a primary coil P, resonant filter (14), power amplifier (16), filter (18), (20) modulator and demodulator (22), (24) the encryption unit and the decryption unit (26), group (28), rechargeable power storage device (30), the power circuit (32), GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) equipment (34), the controller (36), liquid crystal display and interface device (38) (40). The lock actuator (12) includes a secondary coil S, combined resonant filter and modulator (42), a storage device (44), (46), lock the device controller (48), the sensor (50), a demodulator (52) and power circuit (54). In use, the lock driver (12) is arranged to be integrated, mounted on or attached to a closing element such as a container port. The key (10) may be movable or fixed or integrated in the key station (not shown). When the key (10) is sent to the driver and the lock (12) close enough to the position (depending on the specific circuit and the available power), key (10) of the primary coil P and lock driver (12) of the secondary coil S, both through the resonant filter (14 in key) and 42 (in the lock resonant inductive coupling occurs), and, if the key is authorized, it can be used to start the drive lock, which can open the container, the energy obtained by the driver from the key radio through the coupling between the two.
本专利技术涉及驱动控制,并特别涉及能够可靠控制可锁定物件的存取的锁-钥匙系统的驱动控制,但并不专用于此类控制。用于控制访问诸如进入某个空间或者容器内部的锁和钥匙装置,在近年来已经发展到包含电子识别技术的水平。在该技术中,钥匙配有一个以电或磁方式存储的标识码,而锁则设计为在两者靠近时对其进行读取和识别。只有在使用已验证钥匙即具有受权标识码的钥匙时,锁被设置为允许由锁定状态驱动到解锁状态,反之亦然。通常,读取设备包含在锁定装置中或者由可以与锁定装置配合操作的可锁定闭合元件自带,例如盖或门。读取器需要能量以检测和处理钥匙的标识码,例如在使用磁条型钥匙卡情况下,当钥匙被刷过或压靠在读取器上时,或者在钥匙采用电池供电的发射器的情况下,当钥匙向锁定装置发送无线电或红外信号时。此类现有装置的一种缺陷是由读取器继而也是锁定装置需要自身的电源引起的。两种锁定装置中任何一种都必须连接至主电源,这意味着其以及因而与其相关物件就不能为完全可移动式,否则其必须具有电池,而电池会不可避免地在一定时间内放电并需要更换。在上述此类已知系统中多数有另一种功能局限是,当锁和钥匙装置进行交互作用时,其交互作用非常简单,通常由单一事件构成,即锁定装置读取存储在卡上的标识码,并相应地允许或拒绝驱动锁定装置。上述系统的一个例外情况是用于宾馆房间门,其电路网络连接了所有锁定装置,并且中央控制可以从可独立编址的门获取数据以确定诸如使用未经授权钥匙试图进入房间之类的情况。然而,上述电路系统使操作物件不能完全可移动,在本例中为门。对于宾馆房间门锁装置来说,这不是缺陷,但是对于必须被运输的物件,例如移动 ...