The invention relates to a domestic electric appliance remote controller utilizing laser transmission technique to control remote-control signal, control command signal generated by the device remote control chip HT6221 for carrier detection, encoding and modulation of laser driven emission module through the Din transmission through carrier detection, code modulation, a laser emitting device for transmitting laser signal conversion the laser signal is installed in the home appliance, the laser receiver module receives the laser signal receiving and recovery into electrical signals, after amplification detection and demodulation and decoding, and then give it to the remote control signal at the back of the chip processing; due to the transmission of the laser signal can have good directional characteristic, emission direction can control remote control the laser signal is given, we expect only by receiving the control of home appliances, the signal from the remote controller The utility model has the advantages that the utility model can not only need to use a remote controller, but also can control a plurality of household appliances, and the utility model can ensure that the household appliance can correctly identify the control object of the remote control signal.
针对现有技术的不足,本专利技术提供一种基于激光传输技术控制遥控信号传输和接收的家用电器遥控装置,根据本专利技术设计的家电遥控装置,包括激光发射和接收模块。所述激光发射模块由遥控器芯片电路、载波检出电路、编码调制电路和激光器驱动发射电路构成。遥控器芯片电路主要由HT6221遥控器芯片、晶体振荡器以及键盘矩阵组成,电路产生的包含有功能信息的高频脉冲串Din,从遥控器芯片HT6221管脚5端输出;经过连接Din端的载波检出电路得到信号Di0~Di3、TE,其中TE为发射 ...
一种采用激光传输技术控制遥控信号的家用电器遥控装置,包括激光发射和接收模块;所述激光发射模块由遥控器芯片电路、载波检出编码调制和激光器驱动发射模块构成,其中遥控器芯片电路主要由HT6221遥控器芯片、晶体振荡器以及键盘矩阵组成,遥控器芯片电路产生的包含有功能信息的高频脉冲串Din,从遥控器芯片HT6221管脚5端输出,Din作为载波检出编码调制和激光器驱动发射模块的控制指令输入线与载波检出电路的Din输入端相连;载波检出编码调制和激光器驱动发射模块由载波检出电路1、调制解码电路2和LDM激光发射器电路3组成;Din经过载波检出电路处理,得到信号Di0~Di3、TE,载波检出电路引出5根信号线,分别为TE、Di0、Di1、Di2和Di3的信号线,其中TE为发射使能端,低电平有效;Di0~Di3为需要传输的数据位;TE、Di0、Di1、Di2和Di3作为编码调制模块的控制指令分别与编码调制电路的2262芯片14、13、12、11、10脚对应连接;激光编码调制采用2262芯片做硬件实现,2262芯片的1~8管脚用作地址位与对应地址编码线连接,2262芯片的10~13管脚用作编码数据位;由遥控 ...