
技术编号:2977852 阅读:195 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automatic test system and method for simulating infrared remote controller

The invention discloses a test automation system and a simulation method of infrared remote control, automatic test system includes infrared remote control software system and hardware system of infrared remote control, infrared remote control software system, including the script recording module, serial configuration module and script execution module, infrared remote control hardware system, including the serial command receiving unit and the IR command sending unit serial command receiving unit comprises a receiving serial control command chip, infrared command transmission unit comprises a signal amplifier and a signal modulation infrared emission infrared transmitter; automatic testing method comprises the following steps: recording A. script file; B. serial configuration; C. script file; simulation of D. digital signal into the infrared signal; E. output waveform; F. infrared emission Signal. The technical proposal of the invention improves the working efficiency in the process of manually operating the key press, saves time and improves the detection efficiency.


一种模拟红外遥控器的自动化测试系统,其特征在于,包括红外遥控软件子系统和红外遥控硬件子系统,其中,所述红外遥控软件子系统,运行在PC机上,包括:脚本录制模块,脚本录制模块用于模拟遥控器界面,通过在所述界面上执行需要测试的操作过程,记 录下每次按键的键值以及相邻两次按键的时间间隔,生成脚本文件;串口配置模块,用于设置需要执行的脚本文件与串口的对应关系;脚本执行模块,用于读取脚本文件的数据,并向所述对应的串口发送;所述红外遥控硬件子系统,包括:   串口命令接收单元,通过串口连接线与所述PC机串口相连,用于根据从串口发送的控制命令输出指令波形;红外命令发送单元,用于将所述指令波形转化为相应的红外信号发射出去。



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