A multi-function remote control automatic defense safety box comprises a box body and an electronic lock, characterized in that it further comprises a remote control receiving device installed in the box body micro emission device 4 and a human carrying and receiving device to match 3, the receiving device 4 is composed of a micro film receiving block 48, phase DC the buffer circuit 41 and a delay acousto-optic prompting function circuit 42, an acousto-optic alarm circuit 43, flash alarm circuit 44, an alarm sound source circuit 45 and a high voltage electric shock defense 46 and a power circuit 47; DC noninverting buffer amplifying circuit 41 comprises a capacitor C2, a variable resistor W2 and a resistor R3, R4 and BG1 of the triode electronic components 10, the base electrode of the triode is connected through the effective data output resistor W2 and the receiving end of IC1 membrane block; acousto-optic delay. Display function circuit 42 comprises a diode D1, a triode BG2, a capacitor C4, integrated block IC4 and TH, LED1 acousto-optic emission element composition, cathode and triode diode D1 tube BG1 is connected to the collector, the base electrode of the triode BG2 is connected with BG2, a triode collector plate and acousto-optic emission components TH, LED1 connected by the capacitor C4 control delay time for 3-5 seconds; alarm flash circuit 44 is a resistor R9, a capacitor C12 and a resistor R11 and transistor BG6, resistors R12 and LED2 led composed of 1 / 2 seconds flash alarm monostable circuit; alarm control circuit 43 is composed of a resistor R5, a capacitor C6, a triode, BG3 resistor R6, adjustable resistor W3 and capacitor C7, integrated block IC2, Resistor R7 and transistor BG4 components, the base electrode of the triode BG3 is connected with the resistor R5 and capacitor C6, the collector and the integrated block IC2 2 terminal and 6 terminal connected to the 3 end of the integrated block IC2 and connected through resistor R7 and transistor BG4 and mercury switch base connected to the base electrode of the triode and set block 4 of IC3 and 8 is connected with the luminous tube; the middle LED2 BG4 connected with the integrated block IC3 transistor 4, 8 in the end, and then through the resistor R12 and transistor BG6 is connected to the collector; alarm sound source circuit mainly adopts 45 circuit block IC5 in the circuit in parallel, circuit block comprises a loudspeaker element IC5 a; high voltage electric system 46 comprises electric membrane block and distribution of IC6 in the box body or / and handle of the electrode.
本技术属于工作人员随身携带的箱具,特别是一种多功能遥控全自动防卫安全箱。目前,随着市场经济开放搞活,金融流通领域人员增加,机密文件、钱财贵重物品的交换流通已越来越频繁,与此相关的抢劫盗窃等刑事案件也有很大幅度的上升。为保障工作人员携带的机密文本、钱财贵重物品安全可靠,免遭损失,现已开发了许多防盗报警箱。最简单的为中国专利局所公开的申请号为88215442的旅行提箱提袋防失窃报警遥控装置,其主要结构特别是采用发送装置和接收报警装置并分别安置在物主身上和提箱提袋内,其有效报警距离为10米。这种结构装置只能在有限的距离进行报警防窃,但对盗贼不能给予适当的防卫。又如专利号为2056933(申请号为8921295)的遥控式高压防盗安全箱包,其特点是在箱体内安装有由超再生检波器、放大器、电压比较器、振荡电路及功率放大电路所组成的无线电接收机,并配有供主人携带的无线电发射机,并在箱包提手的两侧面镀有一层能产生高压电极的铬。这种高压防盗安全箱包虽能给盗窃者一定的高压电,但当窃者不使用把手提拉箱包时,就无法实现其功能,有效地防止箱包被盗、被窃。本技术的目的是针对上述情况而提供一种遥控防遗忘丢失、防抢劫、防盗窃的并具有声光提示、声光报警、高压电击防卫和无人看管情况下自动报警、电击自防卫等功能的多功能遥控全自动防卫安全箱。本技术的多功能遥控自动防卫安全箱是通过以下方式来实现的它包括有箱体及电子锁、安装在箱体上的遥控接收装置及相配的微型发射装置。接收装置由微型接收膜块、直流同相缓冲放大电路、延时声光提示功能电路、声光报警控制电路、报警闪光电路、报警声源电路、高压防卫系统及电 ...