The utility model relates to a piston type stop pressure valve with a reverse helical auxiliary rod mechanism in the mechanical technical field, which comprises a cut-off mechanism, a pressure reducing mechanism, a valve body and a valve cavity. The closing mechanism comprises a hand wheel, a valve rod with a reverse thread, a nut, an anti transducing rod, a push rod, a stop valve, a first sealing ring and a bolt. A hand wheel and with reverse screw rod is connected together with a reverse threaded nut on the stem, reverse screw and two screw nut forming, anti rotation guide rod through two nuts and connecting them together, two nuts are respectively connected with one end of the push rod, the push rod and the other end is connected with the valve flap. The valve flap with the first sealing ring, a first sealing ring through the bolt and the flap valve connection. The pressure reducing mechanism comprises a cylindrical hollow sleeve, a spring, a piston, a second sealing ring and an air vent. The utility model not only can effectively realize the cut-off function, but also can ensure the pressure of the outlet to be relatively stable.
的阀门,特别是一种带有反向螺旋副杆 机构的活塞式截止减压阀。技术背景在城市的日常生活中,很多生活用的管路上需要安装减压装置,如高层建 筑的供水和热水采暖系统中,为了满足最高层供水的需要,整个系统压力定得 很高,这样较低层就出现了水压过高的问题。水压过高将引起许多问题,如浪 费水、易出现水锤现象,造成管路的冲击振动,用水设备容易渗漏和损坏等。 另外一些石油、化工、采矿等流体管路也常常需要减压装置,如由地面向很深 的煤矿竖井中送水时,井下水压有时高达每平方厘米上百公斤,也需要装减压 设备。为解决上述问题最简单经济的办法就是在管路上安装减压阀。但目前现 有的一些减压阀不能很好的满足使用要求,如一些适用蒸气管路的活塞式减压 阀结构复杂价格较高,而且不适用于液体介质, 一些可用于液体介质的减压风 进口压力变化,吮出口压力变化较丸而且没有截止功能。因而,如果设计出一种 能够同时实现截止、减压功能的多功能阀门,就能很好的解决上述问题。经对现有技术的文献检索发现,中国专利专利号02248506. 6中阐述了一种 减压阀。该技术涉及一种压力容器用的减压阀。它包括阀体,阀体上设有 进水通道和泄气通道,所述阀体内还设有一阀芯,阀芯的一端伸出阏体,阀芯 的另一端穿过进水通道,位于进水通道处的阀芯体内沿阀芯径向设有一贯穿阀 芯的通道,该通道可随阀芯的转动而接通或封堵进水通道,所述阀芯与阀体壁 之间还设有密封装置。但是该技术专利是通过转动阀芯来实现减压的,它 不能够有效的实现截止功能,同时不能够稳定进出口流体的压力。
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