
技术编号:2789876 阅读:166 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Heat sink and buoy holding device

The invention discloses a heat sink and a buoy holding device. In an improved pump assembly including a stationary rod extending to the interior, a sensor is supported by the rod and a suspension element is supported for moving between the upper and lower portions of the rod. A magnet is supported by a suspension element, and when the suspension ring element moves along the pole, the sensor senses the position of the magnet. A buoy holding element detachably supported by the benchmark, to remain in suspension components on the pole, the suspension device includes a support ring, support ring is provided with a plurality of elastic elements extending inward along the clamped ends for benchmarking. A heat exchanger supported to absorb part of the heat produced by the pump assembly.


一种泵总成的液位浮标控制器,所述泵总成具有一标杆伸入其内的液体储存器,所述液位浮标控制器包括: 一由所述标杆支撑的传感器; 一能沿所述标杆移动的悬浮元件; 一由所述悬浮元件支撑的磁体,当悬浮环元件沿所述标杆移动时,所述传感 器感应所述磁体的位置;以及 一与所述标杆连接的浮标保持元件,包括: 一支撑环;以及 多个向内沿伸的弹性元件,用于夹住所述标杆的端部。



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