One of the two water use water-saving device, which belongs to the technical field of automatic water supply, floating body is arranged in the water storage tank above the pontoon and floating body connected under the movable contact under above the movable contact fixed contact corresponding to the moving contact position and under the water tank is provided with a floating body, a floating body and floating above the body is connected with a moving contact on the moving contact below the movable contact position and the corresponding static contact, dynamic contact, static contact, static contact, a movable contact and a water pump electric circuit. The contact is driven and driven by buoyancy to control the work of the pump. The utility model has the advantages of convenient use, high automation, reliable performance, and efficient water resource saving. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and low cost.
本技术要解决的技术问题是公开一种能够使用方便的二次水利用节水器。本技术解决技术问题的方案是在储水箱内装有下浮体,下浮体上方有与下浮体连接的下动触点,下动触点上方有与下动触点位置对应的下静触点,供水箱内装有上浮体,上浮体上方有与上浮体连接的上动触点,上动触点下方有与上动触点位置对应的上静触点,下动触点、下静触点、上静触点、上动触点和水泵构成电回路。当储水箱中水位上升到一定高度时,下浮体上浮,带动下动触点上升与下静触点触合,此时若供水箱中为高水位,上动触点与上静触点断开,电路不导通,水泵不工作,当供水箱中水位降低时,上浮体下落,带动上动触点向下运动,与上静触点触合,电路导通,水泵将储水箱中的水通过送水管送入供水箱内,若储水箱中水位低时,下动触点与下静触点断开,水泵亦不工作。为了更准确地控制储水箱和供水箱中的水位在多高的情况下水泵开始工作或停止工作,并且使触点更准确地触合及断开,在储水箱中装有下网桶,下浮体装在下网桶内,供水箱中装有上网桶,上浮体装在上网桶内,下网桶和上网桶起到限位器作用。为防止储水箱中水有杂质影响水泵工作,储水箱中装有过滤器。本技术使用方便,自动化程度高,性能可靠,能够有效地节约水资源,结构简单,造价低。附图说明附图为本技术剖视图。具体实 ...