The utility model relates to an electronic thermostat for microscopes, which is used for constant temperature microscopic examination of samples by a microscope. Composed of constant temperature detection and electronic thermostat, thermostat can be placed in the microscope table is flat box body on the stage of the top and bottom surfaces are respectively provided with a detection hole of the casing body on the bottom surface of metal board, box and a heating wire and a temperature sensor, and the electronic temperature controller is connected electronic circuit. By heating the electric heating wire, the thermostat controls the temperature automatically so that the metal surface of the thermostat is kept at a constant temperature. The constant temperature table can be directly placed on the microscope platform, and the sample can be examined by a constant temperature microscope, which is especially suitable for the detection of the sperm motility of animals.
本技术涉及一种显微镜电子恒温器,用于显微镜的恒温镜检。无论是人或动物,在进行人工授精前需用显微镜检测精液的精子活力,由于精子的活力与温度有关,一般情况下,需使离体精子处于35-38℃温度下进行显微镜检测。通常采用的方法是将整个显微镜放在一个保温箱内,箱内用灯泡加热,操作人员需从箱体侧面将手伸入箱内操作,很不方便,而且温度忽高忽低,难以确保精子活力检测的正确性。近年来有人在箱内增设电子温控器,但由于热源远离显微镜检测点,检测点的温度仍有较大的波动,而且不能解决箱体体积大及操作不方便的缺点。本技术的目的是提供一种可直接放在显微镜载物台上的显微镜电子恒温器,以便于操作并能正确控制检测点的温度。本技术由恒温检测台和电子温控器组成,恒温台是可放在显微镜载物台上的扁平匣体,匣体的上、下底面开有轴线一致的检测孔,匣体的上底面为传热效果较佳的金属板台面,匣内设有电热丝和温度传感器,它们与电子温控器联成电子回路;恒温台的台面上装有温度计。所说的电子回路联接关系如下、交流市电通过变压器B、桥式整流器D1-D4降压整流成低压直流电,稳压源U的正端与电容C1的一端及D1-D4的正输出端相接,U的负端与C1的另一端及D1-D4的负输出端同接地;上限温度设定电阻RH的一端与稳压电源的输出端相联,另一端依次串联可调电阻W、下限温度设定电阻RL后接地;温度传感器T的正端接稳压源U的输出端,负端接比较器IC的负输入端,电容C1及电阻R2的一端同与传感器T的负端相联,另一端接地;比较器IC的正输入端接可调电阻的W的活动端;IC的输出端与三极管BG1的基极相联,BG1的发射极与三极管BG ...