The utility model relates to an automatic control complete equipment for wire drawing, annealing and winding production process of metal wires. A closed wire drawing, annealing, intelligent integral unit, including wire drawing machine, annealing device, drying device, wire drawing machine, main controller, rectifier transformer primary side power annealing device is connected with a three-phase trigger module with extreme current transformer, single-phase transformer input power source of the drying device is connected with a single phase variable the output voltage module, annealing device of winding wheel or wire drawing machine input winding wheel is provided with a speed sensor, a set of input end of the current transformer, measuring the output signal of the sensor are respectively connected with the main controller, the main controller is provided with a control end connected to the three-phase trigger module, single-phase voltage regulating module and a control signal input, drawing machine the machine motor output respectively. The process of wire drawing, annealing and wire production is realized, the equipment runs stably, the annealing effect is good, the annealing does not need preheating and insulation, and the finished product is bright and waterless.
本技术涉及一种金属线材拉丝、退火、收线生产过程 自动控制成套设备,特别是涉及一种拉丝、退火、收丝智能设备联合机组。二、
目前在电缆厂、铜材厂、铜丝厂、铝丝厂等的生产作业中, 金属线材的拉丝、退火、烘干、收丝是必不可少的工序。由于铜丝、铝丝等导 电线材在冷拉伸过程中容易产生硬化,因此, 一般需要对其进行退火处理。早 期的退火方法是将成盘的导电线材放置在退火炉中加热,这样容易造成退火不 均、线材表面氧化的缺陷,且不容易操作。后来人们研制出一种新的导电线材 退火方法,采用电源短路产生大电流的原理,在铜丝等导电线材通过的两个导 向轮上分别通上正、负电压,使两个导向轮之间的导电线材产生短路状态,从 而靠短路的大电流产生热量进行退火,根据退火时间和温度的需要来控制电压 的高低,操作十分方便,成本低,效果好。但是在金属线材加工中,将产品巻 绕在巻筒上,绕线巻简直径从小到大的整个过程中要求任何时间都要保持收巻 张力均匀。目前通常使用力矩电动机来实现上述目的,力矩电机具有很软的机 械特性,较小的负载变化就能引起电动机输出轴转速的相应变化,它的这种特 性在小范围内是与巻绕特性相匹配的,使产品巻绕时的张力在一定范围基本保 持不变,但只适合对张力控制要求不高、速度变化不大的生产场合,另外张力 的大小也不能随意调整,只能通过对不同电机的选型来决定张力的大小范围, 局限性大,不能满足速度变化范围大,张力控制精确度高的使用要求,对线盘 巻绕直径变比也有限制, 一般不能超过l: 2。随着科学技术的发展,变频调速技术被广泛利用,由于其具有速度可调, 力矩补偿,省电节能等优点 ...