
技术编号:2786616 阅读:216 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Flow control system of gas blowing agent

The utility model relates to a control system and a control method for the flow rate of a gas foaming agent, in particular to a control system for blowing agent flow rate when processing thermoplastic foam plastics by using a gas physical foaming agent. A gas foaming agent flow control system of the utility model, including the import valve 1, pressure vessel 2, valve 3, proportional solenoid valve 4, pressure servo valve 7, adjustable throttle valve 8, pressure sensors 9 and 10, foaming agent temperature control module 11, temperature sensor 12, data processing 5, operation interface and control module 6, and connecting the components of pressure piping and communication wires or cables. The utility model has the advantages that the utility model can be used to set the system according to the injection to the processing device of the foaming agent flow and temperature closed-loop control by foaming agent gas flow rate and temperature accurately and uniformly flow foaming agent foaming process required the introduction of polymer.





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