
技术编号:2785672 阅读:155 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Servo device

The moving speed of rotation speed or linear movement control of rotation of the body. So as to achieve the expected value of the characteristics of servo system is in the AC signal cycle for mobile speed information, set more than two check points between the 2 measurement points, identification methods and errors corresponding to the output according to the offset with the check point expected value, according to the error output to drive the driving means of the moving body. Also has a signal potential: AC voltage source produces at least two predetermined output voltage is the voltage source and the output of the motor rotor, linear motor etc. the moving body velocity information. And more than two times the output of the comparator during the half cycle of the AC signal signal within the standard clock signal counter and storage means and error correcting output means.





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