Having a plurality of partial volume pressure regulator for regulating fluid, especially adhesive in consuming device at the entrance of the operating pressure, the volume of the first part (14) can be connected with the fluid source, and the second volume (24) fluid entrance device and the consumption can be connected, wherein the second volume (24) cylindrical part with a variable size part (24a), volume (14) is connected with the first part and the second part of the volume (24) connecting groove (22), set in the first part of volume is used to open and close the connection channel of the valve, the valve has insert (23) and a movable piston seal (32), the movable piston seal (32) formed by the front end for closing the connection channel of the sealing body (34), and the movable piston seal (32) The rear end is sealed on the first part volume. The working piston (54) is arranged in the cylindrical part (24a) is used to change within the cylindrical portion (24a) of the volume of the working piston (54) has a front face cylindrical part and a sealing piston (59), and has a piston rod sealing piston movement (56), the piston rod (56) and the front end of the piston seal (59) engagement, and form a seal of the piston end block. The front end and the rear end of the sealing piston of the working piston is exposed to the second volume (24) and set the pressure of the fluid in the movable adjuster piston (92), to the movable adjuster piston (92) compressed air is applied and the movable adjuster piston (92) and decided between the closed valve the position and the open position open end block connected degree.
本专利技术涉及具有两部分容积的压力调节器,该压力调节器用于调节流体特别是粘合剂在消耗装置的入口处的操作压力。当冷胶例如要分送到基片上时,在工业生产中一般使用以一定压力将胶输送给一个或多个分送器头的胶泵。分送器头是气动或电动控制的,并如控制系统所决定的那样分送冷胶。当正在分送胶时,通常相对于分送器头移动基片。根据这种移动的速度,必须从分送器头分送可预定义量的冷胶,以便在基片上产生规定层厚的冷胶。如果该速度在涂敷期间改变,或者如果胶的涂敷中断,则必须关闭分送器头中的阀,或者必须减小阀开口。这通常意味着在减小该速度或停止移动之前,用于冷胶的管道系统保持在分送胶所需的高压力水平下。当例如在已经插入新基片后重新启动设备时,迄今为止仍难以避免由于高压力而分送过量的胶。这可能对胶合的质量是致命的,而且/或者对胶合的基片外观的质量是不利的。迄今为止仍通过在已经关闭设备后打开截流阀来抵抗这一点,其结果是减小任何过压并从系统排出任何剩余的冷胶。从长远来看发现该方法不够理想。因此本专利技术的目标是提供特别是用于所述情况的压力调节器,当消耗流体的装置关闭时,通过该压力调节器在很大程度上避免流体的峰值压力而不损失流体,而在重新启动消耗装置时也确保可得到最优地适应需要的流体量。在按照权利要求1的前序部分的压力调节器中,采用该权利要求的特征部分中描述的装置实现该目标。在从属权利要求中描述优选实施例。对根据本专利技术的压力调节器的试验已表明它完全实现了对其的期望。在这点上应当提到的是根据本专利技术的压力调节器生产相对便宜,因为其调整器部可以是可在市场上普遍得到的气动装置。现在将参考 ...