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技术编号:2783873 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Intelligent control method for automatic shoe cover machine

Intelligent control method of the present invention relates to an automatic shoe cover machine, the technical proposal is A ~ D feedback detection unit detecting automatic shoe cover machine all kinds of information, control of the power module control module and alarm module to obtain the above information. The D detection unit comprises a sub unit of D1 ~ D3, used to obtain the shoe cover is normally opened information detection unit A ~ C were obtained switch information, motor state information, and foreign matter existing information. The control module can start the alarm module in abnormal automatic shoe cover machine work. By adopting above-mentioned intelligent control method in automatic shoe cover machine, the control module can be effective on whether there is a foreign body, overshoes area man foot to determine and control the automatic shoe cover machine stop operation and alarm. In addition, also can judge whether shoe cover is normally opened, to remind users timely in unusual circumstances, in order to take effective corrective measures, to recover the normal work of the automatic shoe cover machine.


一种自动鞋套机的智能控制方法,控制模块接收检测模块的输入反馈信息并做出判断,以控制动力模块的工作,其中,所述的检测模块中的检测单元A对电源开关状态进行检测反馈,检测单元B对电机工作状态进行检测反馈,控制模块能够在自动鞋套机开机后恢复电机停机前的工作状态,其特征是:所述检测模块中的检测单元C对自动鞋套机套鞋区域异物包括人脚的存在与否进行检测反馈,所述控制模块通过以下步骤实现判断控制:a、控制模块初始化;b、调取存储单元预存的检测单元B的反馈值,判断电机停止前的工 作状态;c、控制电机恢复停止前的工作状态;d、调取检测单元C的反馈值,判断是否存在异物?如果是,则进入下一步,如果否则返回d步骤;e、判断电机的工作状态,并在存储单元记录储存检测单元B的反馈值;f、停止电机的 工作。



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