
技术编号:2781103 阅读:340 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Power saving mode power management system and method

The invention relates to a power saving mode of power management system and method; power management system includes DC power supply and load circuit, which is characterized in that also includes a control circuit of the power supply to the PNP transistor load tube is used to control the PNP transistor NPN triode conduction state tube for triggering from the power-saving mode to the mode button; power management method, including the opening and closing of the load circuit power supply, when opened by pressing the button to trigger the NPN transistor and PNP transistor turn-on, load circuit set up after the control port is of high level, maintain NPN transistor and PNP transistor conduction; disconnect, load power supply load circuit (usually by SCM) setting control port is low, turn off NPN transistor and PNP transistor. The power saving mode power management system and method of the invention adopts the function button KEY to realize the purpose of saving electric energy, and the circuit does not consume power when in standby mode.


一种省电模式电源管理系统,包括直流电源和负载电路,其特征在于,还包括如下:用于控制直流电源是否给负载电路供电的PNP三极管,所述PNP三极管的发射极管和所述直流电源相连,所述PNP三极管集电极和所述负载电路电源端相连;用于控 制PNP三极管导通状态的器件为NPN三极管,所述NPN三极管的发射极管接地,所述NPN三极管的集电极和所述PNP三极管的基极管相连,所述NPN三极管基极管和一个来自负载电路的控制端口相连;用于从省电模式触发到正常工作模式的按键,所述 按键具有A端和B端,所述按键A端接地,所述按键B端和所述NPN三极管的集电极相连。



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