
技术编号:2780231 阅读:275 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Adaptive phase shifter control duty cycle system for an engine

The present invention provides an adaptive phase shifter control duty duty cycle system for an engine. A camshaft phase shifter control system for an engine includes a camshaft position sensor that generates a current camshaft position signal based on a camshaft position. The first comparator generates a camshaft position signal based on the current camshaft position signal and the crankshaft position. The second comparator generates an error signal based on the relative camshaft position signal and the instruction camshaft position signal. The control module determines the current control hold duty ratio (CHDC) of the camshaft phase shifter based on the engine state parameters. The control module is generated based on the error signal correction signal, and based on the correction signal to generate CHDC instructions to adjust the duty cycle signal, and based on the instruction duty other than CHDC signal.


一种用于发动机的凸轮轴移相器控制系统,包括: 凸轮轴位置传感器,所述凸轮轴位置传感器基于凸轮轴位置产生当前凸轮轴位置信号; 第一比较器,所述第一比较器基于所述当前凸轮轴位置信号和曲轴位置产生凸轮轴位置信号; 第二比较器,所 述第二比较器基于所述相对凸轮轴位置信号和指令凸轮轴位置信号产生误差信号;和 控制模块,所述控制模块:基于发动机状态参数确定凸轮轴移相器的当前控制保持占空比(CHDC);基于所述误差信号产生校正信号;基于所述校正信号调节所述当前CHDC 以产生指令占空比信号;和基于所述指令占空比信号产生另一CHDC。



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