A kind of edible fungus cultivation monitoring apparatus, including control components for the critical control points, and the control unit is connected and for different set of key control points of data sent to the control unit in the growth process of edible fungi, and the control unit according to the key control points of the data set the corresponding set of cultivation conditions of edible fungus, mushroom cultivation in each group according to the growth conditions were the key control points of data, obtained the data threshold for the critical control points of the computer, the control unit for automatic packing machine, control of edible fungus growth environment temperature regulating device and regulating device to regulate the growth of the humidity of edible fungi humidity, automatically get so can achieve data threshold of critical control points, at the same time can be obtained through the analysis of data The relationship between the critical control point data and the growth status of edible fungi can also effectively control the growth status of edible fungi and improve the economic benefits of edible mushroom cultivation.
随着国际社会对农产品质量的要求越来越高,农产品的安全监控己成为各国关注的焦点。 现今,为确保食品安全,联合国食品法典委员会已采纳危害分析和关键控制点(hazard analysis critical control point, HACCP)技术体系,国际上更是将HACCP的控制体系纳 入到食用菌的自动化栽培之中。通常,食用菌的栽培工艺包括原料混合、装瓶、灭菌、冷却、接种、培养、搔菌、催蕾、 子实体生长及采收包装多道工序,我国于90年代末引进食用菌的自动化生产流水线,开始使 用自动化填料机、消毒设备、接种设备及人工气候设备等进行工厂化生产食用菌作业,由于 起步较晚,众多生产企业未能对可能影响食用菌安全的各个关键控制点实行自动化监控,通 常仍采用人工检测人工记录的方式,而关键控制点涉及到用料要求、用水安全及生产环境条 件,例如温度、湿度、C02浓度、用料的含水量、酸碱度等,且每个关键点都需要周期性的纪 录,致使人工作业量繁多,更是极易因各关键控制点的数据未能及时处理而影响后续的对各 关键控制点的调控,严重时甚至会影响食用菌的品质,给消费者带来安全隐患。再者,HACCP体系中所涉及的关键控制点多,而由于我国幅员辽阔,各地气候环境及地理 条件互不相同,各食用菌栽培厂商对于前期花费了大量人力物力找寻到各关键控制点的阈值 都视为商业机密不予公开,致使各食用菌栽培厂商在找寻各关键控制点的阈值时都会进行同 样重复的劳动,极为不利于提高产业效率,而且由于各关键控点数据是由人工采集,过程极 为繁复,且极易出错,如此也易于降低 ...