
技术编号:2777120 阅读:445 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Function of air conditioner test controlling circuit of pneumatic bed

An air conditioner function test with pneumatic control circuit of press machine. Including DC regulated power supply and SCM control circuit. The latter includes a photoelectric trigger circuit. The photoelectric trigger circuit comprises a two way voltage divider resistor and a light-emitting diode series circuit, wherein, the photosensitive triode Q1 and Q2 are respectively coupled with one of the two light-emitting diodes. The other end of Q1 and Q2, Down and Up are respectively connected with the I / O terminal 28 and 27 of the singlechip. Singlechip 4, 5 feet, respectively, and the driver chip 2, 1 feet connection. The 14 and 15 feet of the 12V voltage terminal and the driving chip are respectively connected with the coils of the relay RY1 and the RY2. Drop control relay RY1 and RY2 normally open contact respectively control the press end and the control end up. It is not necessary to repeatedly pressing the control button, can automatically and accurately grasp the status and function of control board contact probe, automatic control of pneumatic press. Thereby, the labor amount of the workers can be reduced and the production efficiency can be improved.





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