
技术编号:2773224 阅读:192 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Decoupling control method of non square system in industrial process

The invention relates to a decoupling control method of a non square system in the industrial process control technology field. First, improve the structure of internal model control, feedback in adding a first-order filter circuit of the output of the system, in order to increase the robust stability of the system, then the transfer function of non square processes from pseudo inverse method to derive the internal model controller, and by adding compensation, to eliminate the unstable factors in the controller may include then, the internal model controller will be similar to the low order controller is easy to realize. In the industrial control field, the decoupling control method of the non square system is given by the present invention, and the nominal performance and the robust performance of the user can be satisfied by adjusting the controller parameters. Decoupling control method and parameter adjustment method of the invention has wide application in non square system, not only can be used for ordinary non square systems with time delay, but also can be used with multiple delays and non minimum phase non party system.





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