The invention discloses a room environment monitoring system and method, it includes at least three used to monitor the object of monitoring the implementation of wireless monitoring nodes, management control and management control and service management department connection, between the wireless monitoring node and control part is provided with at least one wireless node, wireless monitoring the nodes in the wireless way and the wireless node communication, the wireless node control unit through the communication network and management, wireless monitoring node will be monitored from the monitoring object monitoring data through the wireless aggregation routing part transmission to the management control part, wireless monitoring nodes in wireless ad hoc networks, due to the advantages of wireless monitoring the nodes and the wireless node and a management control part three layer structure, not only realizes the equipment room environment, room and I The overall monitoring of the T device can adjust the monitoring coverage area by changing the number of the wireless convergence routing part, and effectively ensure the real-time transmission of the information.
本专利技术涉及一种机房环境监测技术,尤其是涉及。技术背景在我们国家,信息产业的高速发展,使得承载各类企事业单位信息化运作以及提供 信息服务的机房扮演着越来越重要的角色。机房的设备和规模日趋扩大,与其相配套的 环境设备日益增多,也给现代化机房管理带来了新的挑战。加强对机房环境的保护和管 理是目前急需重点解决的,机房的环境设备如供配电、UPS (Uninterruptable Power System,不间断电源)、消防、空调、防盗等一旦出现故障,就会影响计算机系统的安 全运行,严重时极易造成机房内IT设备的损坏,甚至导致整个网络系统瘫痪。而在电信、 移动通信等行业的交换机房中更是要求具备恒温恒湿的条件,以适应机房设备的工作要 求。加强对机房的环境监测是对现代机房环境保护和管理的前提条件,因此要求对机房 环境的温度、湿度、气压、专用空调机的运行情况(制冷、去湿或加湿)及工作状态(正 常或故障)、机房加湿系统是否有水泄漏等进行有效的检测和控制,并且在保证机房内 温度、湿度、气压等达标的前提下,尽量降低机房的能耗。由于机房内IT设备内部的运行环境,例如服务器内CPU (Central Processing Unit, 中央处理器)温度是最直接影响IT设备正常运行的因素,在基准温度情况下,温度每升 高10'C计算机的可靠性就下降25X。如果机房内某台服务器因为某种原因出现风扇转速 不正常、CPU温度过高等问题时,若仅仅对机房的环境设备进行检测和控制使其运转正 常,保证机房整体环境参数值在预设的范围内,则此时机房的管理人员将无法得知这种 危险信息,这种潜在的危机 ...