Gukangning capsule for the treatment of orthopedic diseases is composed of white snake, Chuanduan, Psoralea, frankincense, myrrh, peach kernel, safflower, liquorice, angelica, Sumeria, eucommia, natural copper and Polygonum multiflorum, which are crushed into fine powder; white snake, Psoralea, frankincense, myrrh, peach kernel, safflower, liquorice, angelica, eucommia and Polygonum multiflorum are decocted with water Second, combine the decoction, filter and concentrate the filtrate; mix the fine powder and the clear paste evenly, dry and then crush them into fine powder and put them into capsules. The invention is applicable to various kinds of arthralgia such as necrosis of femoral head, syndrome of cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder, protrusion and hyperplasia of lumbar intervertebral disc, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, contusion of soft tissue, sprain and contusion of femoral joint, fear of wind and cold in the whole and part, cold and cold pain in the postpartum wind, etc. because it is an external preparation, the side effect is also small, and the medicine is long-lasting, and it is used in combination with other multi-directional drugs It is easy to use, safe and easy to relieve the sufferings of patients.
本专利技术针对现有技术的不足,提供了一种骨科疾病治疗用的骨康宁胶囊。本专利技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是:一种骨科疾病治疗用的骨康宁胶囊,原料由白花蛇、川断、补骨脂、乳香、没药、桃仁、红花、甘草、当归、苏木、杜仲、自然铜和何首乌组成,其原料组成按质量配比为:白花蛇5-10份;川断1-2份;补骨脂1-2份;乳香1-2份;没药1-2份;桃仁1-2份;红花1-2份;甘草1-2份;当归1-2份;苏木1-2份;杜仲1-2份;自然铜1-2份;何首乌1.5~3份,将川断、苏木和自然铜粉碎成细粉,过筛备用;将白花蛇、补骨脂、乳香、没药、桃仁、红花、甘草、当归、杜仲和何首乌加 ...