The utility model discloses a digital Gemini lens, which is characterized in that: it includes an upper light area, an intermediate area and a lower light area, the upper light area and the lower light area have their own optical centers, the intermediate area is a slope change zone, the lower light area is a near light area, the upper light area is a far light area, and the distance from the optical center of the upper light area to the geometric center is 4 \u2011 8mm, which is effective The light area is 120 \u2070 ~ 160 \u2070, the distance from the optical center of the lower light area to the geometric center is 12 \u2011 16mm, the effective light area width is 20 ~ 28mm, the distance between the lens assembly cross and the geometric center is 2 \u2011 4mm, and it is located in the upper light area, the upper light area, the middle light area and the lower light area are respectively symmetrical left and right, the beneficial effect of the utility model: the Gemini lens provided by the utility model is far-use The area can reach a wide field of vision of 120 \u2070 ~ 160 \u2070; in this lens, the degree of near use changes with the degree of far use, and each degree of myopia has a corresponding convex mirror value, so as to reduce the degree of near use and be more accurate, so as to solve the adjustment lag of long-term and short-distance use of eyes, relieve eye fatigue and relieve the effect of intraocular pressure.
中国已经成为全世界的近视大国,特别是学生的高增长率已经引起国家的高度重视;但近视的预防和控制,很大一部分原因是学生长时间接触数码电子产品,学生课业负担重等,从而造成长时间近距离用眼疲劳;眼镜行业更应该群策群力,研发更加适合学生佩戴但同时也能达到防控效果的眼镜。目前市场上针对学生近视防控的镜片种类很多,基本上可以概括为:渐进多焦点,离焦镜片,环焦(全焦点)镜片等;这些镜片都各有优缺点。1:渐进多焦点:市场同通用多采用固定加入ADD值,对镜片下光区附加一定度数的ADD值,达到近用眼时缓解眼睛疲劳的目的;但其缺点是不同的远用光度基本都采用一个或者两个加入ADD值(多为add150add175)来改变近用度数,以期达到调节近用度数的效果,但不同近视光度在近用时需要不同对应的近视度数(及附加不同的add值);同时近用区的有效区域的宽度跟add值大小成反比;及add值俞大近用区有效宽度俞小(基本宽度在18mm左右);均采用非对称设计。佩戴者需要一定的适应期。这两者产生的结果是:近用区度数不一定为眼镜佩戴者的实际度数而造成使用者加深眼疲劳;近用区有效宽度达不到使用者的有效可视宽度范围,从而极易看到镜片的盲区,造成使用者看物像时扭曲导致头晕,不适应等症状。同时,渐进多焦点因为其镜片参数多(左、右,上、下、球光、散光、角度、ADD)对眼镜店的验光师和装配师技术要求也极高,这也是渐进多焦点在国内发展缓慢的主要原因。 ...