The sublimation and purification equipment of the invention includes a sublimation and purification module, a heating device, a vacuum pump and a vacuum filtering device, wherein the heating device is fixed on the outside of the sublimation and purification module; the vacuum pump is connected with the sublimation and purification module; the vacuum filtering device is arranged between the sublimation and purification module and the vacuum pump, which includes at least one group of filtering components, each group of filtering components including the first A plurality of filter holes are arranged on the filter sheet and the second filter sheet, and the filter holes are mutually staggered. In the invention, a vacuum filter device is arranged between the sublimation purification module and the vacuum pump, and all the filter holes on the first filter and the second filter are misaligned, so that the organic gas molecules in the vacuum environment can be condensed on the filter and protect the vacuum pump; a vacuum filter device is arranged between at least two temperature areas of the sublimation purification module, which can increase the gas molecules in the vacuum environment The collision probability with the filter reduces the average free path of the molecule and increases the yield of the target material.
目前有机小分子材料被广泛的应用于新型电子行业如OLED(OrganicLight-EmittingDiode,有机发光二极管)显示,柔性传感器,有机太阳能电池。这些有机小分子材料的共同特性是可以通过蒸镀的方式在基板上形成厚度/形状可控的薄膜,这与目前的主流半导体生产工艺相似。有机电子器件的性能和蒸镀时材料的纯度密切相关,所以高纯有机材料的制备工艺也一直受到工业界的关注,目前最常用的有机材料的提纯方法是升华提纯法,即利用目标材料和杂质气化温度的不同来分离纯化。目前市场上的纯化设备主体由一个多温区管式炉构成,如图1所示,管子一般采用石英材质,外管3内部需要用真空泵抽真空,内部又分为多个短尺寸内管2相互连接,待升华提纯的原材料1a放置于左端的第一个短内管2内,当原材料升华区100的温度超过升华点时,目标材料1b气化向管外扩散,并在目标材料沉积区200沉积在内管2内壁,杂质1c沉积在杂质沉积区300的内管2内壁。这种装置设计简单,成本较低,但是在实际操作过程中存在很多问题:其一,原材料1a中不升华的高沸点杂质随气流运动沉积在目标材料沉积区200,降低产物纯度;其二,目标材料1b随气流运动到达目标材料沉积区200后端,如图1所示,甚至与杂质沉积区300的杂质1c混淆,降低产率;其三,由于升华纯化设备内中高速运动的气体分子在高真空条件下的的分子平均自由程远大于容器尺寸,如果不快速冷凝,则大量杂质1c气体分子以及目标材料1b会运动到 ...