The invention relates to a preparation method of fermentation feed of giant fungus, belonging to the technical field of breeding feed. The invention converts a large amount of cellulose and lignin contained in the macromycorrhiza into low molecular carbohydrate which can be digested and absorbed by livestock and poultry through biochemical action. The results showed that the cellulose and lignin decreased and the protein increased. The beneficial bacteria added in the preparation process can absorb a large amount of organic nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen that are difficult to be used by livestock and poultry, and convert them into usable bacterial protein. Therefore, the fermentation feed of macromycorrhiza prepared by the method of the invention can be used as the feed source of livestock and poultry, so that the meat quality taste is greatly improved. The process of the invention is simple, convenient for large-scale mechanized production, and the cost is lower. The method of the invention can be applied to aquaculture, purify the water quality, increase the dissolved oxygen content, have no secondary pollution, and improve the water environment.
巨菌草是福建省农林大学林占熺教授从非洲引进历经30多年,研究培植起来的一种新型草种,现已推广到世界103个国家,国内许多省市都在栽种,广泛应用,技术均已成熟。巨菌草系禾本科狼尾草,属四碳植物,光合作用速率高,比玉米高,是小麦的两倍,根系发达,分蘖速度快,叶面积迭加大,抗逆性强,能适应各种土壤,整个生长期很少发生病虫害,生长速度快,栽种当年平均株高就可达4-5米,每亩年产鲜草达20多吨,南方每亩吸收二氧化碳达6吨以上。茎秆营养丰富,含粗蛋白16.92%,是玉米秆的3-4倍,粗脂肪1.74%,总糖份8.3%,巨菌草含有丰富的木质纤维素并随生长期延长而增加:1.5个月26.79%,6个月47.70%,9个月53.87%,10个月57.90%。利用能够产生纤维素酶的微生物可以把木质纤维素水解成可发酵的糖,所以巨菌草是很好的饲料来源。但是巨菌草作为饲料直接喂养家畜家禽有很大的局限性。由于其含有大量的粗纤维和木质素,使适口性和消化率都受到很大影响,必须进行必要的加工和发酵。在这方面已经有不少研究者提出了巨菌草发酵饲料的方案。例如,申请号201710020509“一种巨菌草发酵制备牛羊及草食动物饲料的方法”,该技术对巨菌草进行不同程度的发酵,使巨菌草作为饲料不同程度地提高了适口性、营养价值,有的对动物的抗病能力也有所提高,但还存在以下缺点:(1)饲料发酵不够充分。巨菌草没有充分细化、软化,木质纤维素没有充分转 ...